General Information

The China Titanium Valley International Titanium Industry Expo (TIEXPO) is the largest and most renowned professional exhibition in the global Titanium industry, with extensive international influence and industry authority. As a biennial “grand event in the titanium industry”, TIEXPO 2023 attracted exhibitors and visitors from more than 20 countries and regions including China, Russia, the United States, Germany, France, Japan, India, Italy, Indonesia, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, South Korea, Hong Kong, etc. The exhibits covered the entire titanium industry chain, encompassing both high-end and popular products. The purchasing demands and application scenarios were diverse, with both traditional and emerging elements coexisting. Since its inception, TIEXPO has consistently led the industry development trend. With a forward-looking and international perspective at the industry forefront, it integrates high-quality domestic and international resource elements, innovates exhibition organization and operation service models, empowers the upgrading and acceleration of the equipment manufacturing industry, meets the multi-level and differentiated demands of the titanium material consumption market, and continuously upgrades the quality of the exhibition organization and operation, with the industry's attention increasing year by year.

Currently, the world is accelerating its entry into the reshaping and expansion of the manufacturing industry. “Economic resilience led by security” has become a global development consensus. To enhance national combat readiness capabilities and supply chain security and seize the commanding heights of the new round of technological and industrial competition, countries have accelerated forward-looking layouts in aspects such as frontier technology research and development and in-depth application. This means that while the titanium industry is ushering in an important period of development opportunities, it needs to continue to exert efforts to shape new momentum and new advantages through technological innovation and strengthen its supporting role for the advanced equipment manufacturing industry. Against the macro backdrop of accelerating the construction of new-quality productive forces, vigorously promoting high-level opening-up and cooperation in the titanium industry, stimulating innovation momentum, and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, “the 6th China Titanium Valley International Titanium Industry Expo”jointly organized by Beijing Hiven Exhibition Co., Ltd., in conjunction with relevant government departments and industry associations, will be held at Baoji International Conference and Exhibition Center from April 22 to 25, 2025, concurrently with the 2025 China Titanium Industry Development Summit Forum. TIEXPO 2025 will comprehensively showcase the scientific and technological innovation achievements and high-end applications of the titanium industry at home and abroad, share new models, new business forms, and new concepts of titanium industry development, and sincerely invite global guests, exhibitors, and visitors to meet in “China Titanium Valley”, stand in the new era, and embark on a new future!

