Field News

Chinese yuan strengthens slightly last week

BEIJING, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- China's yuan strengthened slightly against a basket of currencies last week, according to a China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) index.

The CFETS yuan exchange rate composite index, known as the CFETS RMB Index, which measures the yuan's strength relative to a basket of currencies, came in at 93.28 on Dec. 28, the last trading day of last week, an increase of 0.37 points from a week earlier, the CFETS said.

The index compares the yuan to the value of 24 currencies, including the U.S. dollar, euro and Japanese yen, which was expanded from a basket of 13 currencies in 2016.

Last week also saw an index that measures the yuan against the Bank for International Settlements currency basket gain 0.35 points to 96.78.

The index measuring the yuan against the Special Drawing Rights basket rose 0.32 points to 93.14, according to the CFETS.

